Friday, 17 July 2015

Just Imagine

We have laws to protect all in sundry but we don’t appear to have any laws to send crooked bankers, criminal businessmen and dodgy politicians to jail. I wonder why?

Just imagine a little old lady can be sent to jail for not paying her TV licence whilst on the other hand you Johnny Citizen must pick up the tab for reckless speculators and bankers who never had the collateral to cover their debts in the first place.

 Just imagine these very same bankrupt individuals continue to hire the most expensive lawyers, dine in the finest restaurants whilst they wait for NAMA to sell them back their old properties at a large discount which of course you will Mr.Citizen will have to pay for the write down cost.

Just Imagine when these people go broke, yet, once again,  you will still be expected to cover the cost.

Just imagine this cycle may be neverending.

Just imagine what sort of country would allow a carry on such as this.

Just imagine that all of this is almost unbelievable
But its true

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