Today we have interest rates sitting at Zero and yet, bank customers are being asked to pay interest rates between 4pc to 5pc and the message is drummed out, “interest rates have never been so low, as if it were a blessing. A blessing to whom, one wonders? It is most certainly not the 84,000 mortgage holders dying a slow death from mortgage asphyxiation.
Yet once again Noonan appears to be “powerless” to do anything to cut the banks penal interest rates to mortgage holders. Although, the State owns the banks Noonan continues to waffle his way around his own impotent lack of action and delivers nothing.
Well the truth is Noonan does have the power but maybe not over his own asininity.
Noonan was elected to represent the people so this begs the question what does he stand for.
It is painfully obvious it is not the people he represents, on the contrary he would appear to contemptuous of those who put him in power.
The truth is the government has abandoned the people and given full, unqualified support to the Ponzi bankers as well as blessing and endorsing “Troika” endorsed slavery for the citizens of the nation.
Never have the wishes of the Irish People been so ignored.
Never has a government minister been so dismissive of the rights of its people.
Never have the dreams of so many vanished into a cloud of distillate from the Dail bar.
Never has man has failed so abysmally to serve the people.
All the above leads to just one conclusion "Time for Noonan to Go"
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