Friday, 24 April 2015

The True Value of Independents in the Dail

Ah, Michael Noonan, Enda Kenny, Alan Dukes, Hogan, Denis O’Brien
What a tangled web we  weave
When first we practise to deceive
And  witness  siteserv take absence without leave
to please the knave of greed
Well, now we know that FG/LAB was never selling the country off to the highest bidder. The determining bidding  factor was a tender offer, coupled with a nod and a wink and Bob’s your uncle for that’s the way things are done nowadays - Here’s to the good life
Do you recall FG saying in their manifesto.
Financial Crimes: - Fine Gael will ensure that rogue bankers and all those that misappropriate or embezzle funds are properly pursued for their crimes and that the full rigors of the law will apply to them. We will give the courts the powers necessary to impose appropriate fines and jail sentences.
Anti-Corruption Law:-  We will enact a new consolidated and reformed anti-corruption law to punish
White collar crime and end the impunity from consequences for corporate behavior that threatens the economy.”
Just a thought, I wonder if CAB might investigate the Government for fraud - Now wouldn't that be nice
Catherine Murphy must be commended for her effort in this matter and that friend, highlights the true value of the independents voice in the Dail. Never let it be said that a vote for an independent is a wasted vote. Thanks Catherine - You Number one  

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Time for Noonan to Go

Today we have interest rates sitting at Zero and yet, bank customers are being asked to pay interest rates between 4pc to 5pc and the message is drummed out, “interest rates have never been so low, as if it were a blessing. A blessing to whom, one wonders?  It is most certainly not the 84,000 mortgage holders dying a slow death from mortgage asphyxiation.  
Yet once again Noonan appears to be “powerless” to do anything to cut the banks penal interest rates to mortgage holders. Although, the State owns the banks Noonan continues to waffle his way around his own impotent lack of action and delivers nothing.
Well the truth is Noonan does have the power but maybe not over his own asininity.
Noonan was elected to represent the people so this begs the question what does he stand for.
It is painfully obvious it is not the people he represents, on the contrary he would appear to contemptuous of those who put him in power.
The truth is the government has abandoned the people and given full, unqualified support to the Ponzi bankers as well as blessing and endorsing “Troika” endorsed slavery for the citizens of the nation.
Never have the wishes of the Irish People been so ignored.
Never has a government minister been so dismissive of the rights of its people.
Never have the dreams of so many vanished into a cloud of distillate from the Dail bar.
Never has man has failed so abysmally to serve the people.
All the above leads to just one conclusion "Time for Noonan to Go"

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Major Gerrymandering Blunder in Northern Ireland

Subjects of her majesties government in Northern Ireland awoke this morning  to find the country’s political boundaries had disappeared completely. Authorities announced today that a devastating gerrymandering blunder had left NI devoid of any electoral boundaries and worse still national borders.
First Minister Peter Robinson stated investigations are ongoing into this matter but felt that this was just a simple clerical error in the unionists office that happened while redrawing the provinces already  excessively manipulated electoral districts.
David Cameron in a short press release said he sympathised with people that had become erroneously disenfranchised from the mainland.   As of now we have no way of indicating where one location ends and another begins.  He stated he would have to discuss the matter further with his Irish Counterpart. He was unsure wither this would be from the North or the South due to the ongoing confusion. However, he could see a number of fudged solutions on the horizon.
He mentioned the possibility of nationalist’s politicians sitting in the Irish parliament. If unionists supported the present government they would be allowed to sit in Westminster and if not, he would consider the possibility of allowing them to sit in the Scottish Parliament.
Gerry Adams claimed Northern Ireland had been disappeared and that Robinson and Cameron should be tried for Genocide.

Enda Kenny said Northern Ireland had vanished from his agenda a long time ago but that his relationship with David Cameron was excellent and if he could, he would give David a leg out on this matter

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Hackers to ‘take down Dáil’s IT system’ on the 5th May

According to the warning, Anonymous plans to “take down” Leinster House’s encrypted computer defences on May 5 and make “all your information” available to the public.

An Oireachtas official said the body is prepared for any cyber attack and has “several security systems” in place to protect itself in any eventuality.
This should be interesting. I wonder what are the odds on this happening
Anonymous published a two-minute video last October in which it said the Government was trying to impose water charges on the public by threatening fines, court cases, and the shutting off of water supplies.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Joan Burton compares Gerry Adams' leadership of Sinn Fein to that of North Korea

Joan Burton compared Gerry Adams' leadership of Sinn Fein to that of North Korea.
An amusing comment coming from a Government minister who stands idly by as some 16,00 plus people are likely to have their houses repossessed. In addition, Utility companies report that tens of thousands are in arrears with their heating and electric bills, with hundreds being disconnected every month. 

Now many in this land of ours are condemned to a life of semi-starvation and deprivation due to health cutbacks and loss of working hours. The government say unemployment is now down to 10% when you take involuntary workers into the equation, the real unemployment is more like 20% .
Burton and her fellow government ministers have created a land of suffering and misery more akin to that of North Korea and like the citizens of North Korea their no escape from this misery.

Baptism Water to be Metered by O'Brien Company

Matthew 3:13

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And Denis when he was baptized, went up straightway from the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him;

Luke 3:21


And a voice came out of heaven, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

Isaiah 55.1

HO, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
And Denis said bollocks to all that, lets make some dosh. From there on in we know the rest of the story....

Colossians 3:6

For which things' sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience: Pay up or else Denis the father will condemn you to everlasting suffering … Amen

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Well  all of a sudden I realise that today is good Friday, crucifixion day - the spirit of optimism has descended on me...Praise the Lord

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Dáil Éireann to be Privatised

Enda Kenny says he is considering privatising Dáil Éireann as it now functions very much like a private institution whose primary role is to service the needs of International finance, Industrialists and the Business community at large. It would better serve the country if the Political institutions of Ireland were to be privatised. He went on to say since its inception the  Dáil  had been of great benefit to those who had participated in it and furthermore it had laid the foundations stones for a modern and vibrant Ireland. He ended his statement by saying “that the time has now come for the Political traditions to move another step forward in the reform of their role which in the long run should enhance Democracy and better the lives of the citizens of the nation”.

An emergency debate on the motion will take place next week  - Joan Burton stated it would be absolutely spurious if the Dáil did not hear all sides of the debate. Her party backed the Kenny initiative and saw little conflicted with current labour policy.  She saw Zero prospects going forward without acknowledging the needs of International business as set out by their de facto lobbyists. Overall, the interests of labour would best be served outside the confines of the Dáil by making use of unemployed  peddlers , junkies , drunks and various other assorted layabouts to form meaningful socialist splinter groups . One must acknowledge that a truthful Socialist party cannot exist without constant splits which indicated to her that as an organisation they had become too comfortable in their ways and had strayed from their defined intellectual path of getting nothing done.. She did indicate that their would be no splitting of folded paper as this was beyond her remit as party boss.
In addition and in the interests of fair play Seanad Eireann  would be auctioned off to rehabilitated property speculators whose company owned family mansions had been repossessed by the banks. The Dáil select committee after consultation with the British and Irish inter parliamentary expenses group recommended that all bids must be submitted in large tightly sealed brown envelopes

Denis O'Brien indicated he will definitely bid for Dáil Éireann provided the majority of the sitting deputies agree to do away with elections and the constitution.  Fiddle and Diddle the PR company for the O'Brien Corporation issued the following statement just prior to the Kenny announcement.
Senior procurement directors for “The O’Brien Corporation” are consulting with overseas subsidiaries where the experience lies in the giving  purchasing  of outsized brown envelopes. Irish manufactures lack experience in the production of this type of envelope and the envelopes produced in Ireland can only be used as chicken feed teasers.  Over staffing in both the Dáil and the civil service  was all too obvious but they would minimise these losses by privatising  health, policing, and education sectors.  Under consideration would be the fact that Leo Varadkar might run the entire cabinet with no help - Leo had all the right credentials; namely a big mouth. Whatever the case, certain ‘individuals’ employment would definitely be terminated. These failed extensions of the industrialised /political complex  would be sold off to the Larry Wolfman organisation to be ground into human burgers. A generous redundancy package would be offered to the few that remained after the initial cull.
In a developing story; insider sources say Goldy Sucks is interested in buying up Seanad Eireann including all of its Senators as a package. GS is confident it can cut a significant rendition deal with the Wolfman organisation to solve the Senator problem. A spokesman added GS planned to turn the building into an international tax settlement centre as well as being a hub for syphoned off invisible digits.This initiative would lead to major job creation prospects for Ireland without employing anybody at the facility.
The Rehabilitated Property Speculators Organisation have given notice to the Government that any move to sell off  Seanad Eireann to outside bidders  would be fiercely resisted by their organisation. Jerry Beades of the New Land League said his organisation would give their full support to the RPS . The stance of Beades has been endorsed by both Bertie Ahern,  Brian Cowan, Lucinda Creighton  and  groupings of  well to do bankrupts.  

Latest updates on this story:

Joan Burton:  The package proposed by O'Brien was both fair and generous She would without hesitation recommend this package to her remaining party colleagues.

Michael Noonan: Democracy was never really part and parcel of the Irish Psychic and has proved to be a hinderance to the development of the nation. The time has come to consider other options

Denis O’Brien: The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. O’Brien in a statement issued by F&D Asserts his words were once again  misinterpreted by a vindictive and sociopathic Socialist press. Laws need to be implemented to control these agitators and once in power he would take the appropriate steps in the greater overall interest of the nation.

Denis O’Brien : Late yesterday O’Brien lent his support to the campaign for the “Right to Work for Less Law”  sponsored by Independent Media.