Friday, 17 July 2015

The Major Achievements of Irish Water

(1)How to piss off an entire population with little or no effort
(2) How to send out incorrect bills to virtually everyone in the nation
(3)How to blame everyone else but itself for failings to meet any targets
(4) management who are at sea and have no idea in what direction they are headed, despite the fact they are meant to be water experts.

Just Imagine

We have laws to protect all in sundry but we don’t appear to have any laws to send crooked bankers, criminal businessmen and dodgy politicians to jail. I wonder why?

Just imagine a little old lady can be sent to jail for not paying her TV licence whilst on the other hand you Johnny Citizen must pick up the tab for reckless speculators and bankers who never had the collateral to cover their debts in the first place.

 Just imagine these very same bankrupt individuals continue to hire the most expensive lawyers, dine in the finest restaurants whilst they wait for NAMA to sell them back their old properties at a large discount which of course you will Mr.Citizen will have to pay for the write down cost.

Just Imagine when these people go broke, yet, once again,  you will still be expected to cover the cost.

Just imagine this cycle may be neverending.

Just imagine what sort of country would allow a carry on such as this.

Just imagine that all of this is almost unbelievable
But its true

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

The Opinions of Opinionated Morons on Greece

Sigmar Gabriel chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany:-

“Greece must present a new offer that goes beyond its previous proposals if it wants to remain in the euro”.

It appears the German side remains rigidly fixed in terms of attitude- The intelligence factor here equates to a thief trying to rob a bank with no money.

Martin Schulz” German politician and President of the European Parliament

 Schulz calls for the elected Syriza government to be replaced by “technocrat” rule until stability is restored - In other words democracy is irrelevant and must be shoved aside to solve this problem

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said Greece must accept deep reforms if it wants to remain in the euro - Which equates to death by financial asphyxiation - What next final solution camps 

What will the next moron say - Maybe elections undermine the freedom of the people!!!

Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Tale of Joan Burton

There once was a  young socialist named Joan,
Whose face did look a like a Sierra Leone,
She spoke lots of shite
And shat lots of words.
Until no one could not tell the difference between a moan and a groan

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Greece is the end Goal Regime change?

From reading the newspapers one would feel Greece offered nothing to the recent negotiations.
This is totally untrue. Considerable concessions were made by Greece but nothing that was offered was good enough for the IMF, European Central Bank and Euro group.
What the Troika wanted, demanded, amounted to nothing more than outright economic persecution.
Pensions had already been cut by almost 50% which makes for a life of deprivation for the citizens - yet the Troika requires more cuts.
Public administration has already been reduced to a minimum - yet they want more cost cutting
Most of the public services and assets have already been privatized, hospitals and schools closed - yet they want more.
The Troika also wants to see increased rates of taxation which will further affect the poor even further.
Review all labour law with a view of lessening workers rights
The demands of the Troika mean zero growth, more unemployment and widespread deprivation for the general public.
To my mind the demands of the troika are designed to created political upheaval in Greece with the end goal being “Regime Change”. How dare the Greek people vote for a socialist government and challenge the neoliberal world of Western Europe thought - how dare they - they must be punished

Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission’s president. -"A 'No' would mean that Greece had said 'No' to Europe, -  He told Greek voters not to “commit suicide" This  amounts to a referendum campaign by the Commission itself. on the Greek referendum -One Syriza MP, Dimitris Papadimoulis, caught the mood in Athens. “Juncker is calling for the overthrow of the government,” he said.

One wonders if the financial institutions rather than gunfire are - now, the mechanism for regime change in the Euro zone. If this is the case you can kiss democracy goodbye.

List of conditions link - file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/User/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/List%20of%20prior%20actions%20-%20version%20of%2026%20June%2020%2000.pdf

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Banking Wehrmacht moving in on Greece

Breaking news... Banking Wehrmacht moving in on Greece...................
In a statement from the Reichstag  Dr. Strangelove Wolfgang Schaeuble German Finance Minister said to his Greek counterparts, I forbid, I forbid,  you, to propose new plans against our insane austerity policy. You must understand  -"Europe is about, more than money and the economy," It is  first and foremost about Germany and our European expansionist plans, "so stop complaining you silly Greeks."  - you have insulted us over war reparations and we are not going to stand for it
You people cannot pay, we know and understand that you cannot pay -  but you  Greeks have to abide by your commitments, full stop: “There’s no arguing with us, about this and, what’s more, we really don’t give a shite about you.” soon you will feel my jackboot up your a...
In a responce Greek Labour Minister Panos Skourletis stated "Every time Greece goes to find a solution, they come and tell you, 'Bring some pensioners so that we can execute them,'
Late this evening Dr. Schauble  at the behest of Global Capitalists ordered a Blitzkrieg by the Banking Wehrmacht in conjunction with IMF, ECB, to smash Greece into submission. Once the  takeover  is complete the Germans have made a decision to nationalise the region. Each blond haired, blue blooded German citizen will be allocated a free holiday plot on the coastline.  All Greek citizens except the 1% with capital will be deported to Global capitalist industrial hotspots to be used as cheap labour. The region will be administered by Reichstag Enterprises (Worldwide) plc. The film rights of this stunning achievement have been sold to Lagarde -Goebbels productions.The movie will be directed by Goldi Sucks.  Angela Merkel has been allocated the Greek island of Lesbos. As a gesture of solidarity with the long suffering gay/lesbian sex movement she has offered to pay for the Island in old East German Marks. It is understood Fifi Lagarde intends to visit Angela on the Island of Lesbos. In the meantime Ms. Lagarde in a message to the Irish Republic said they need to take urgent action to reduce the national debt. She suggest this can easily be achieved by privatisation and deep pruning of all welfare benefits right across the board and that ultimately all state support of the individual should be done away with. The Irish Minister of Finance fully endorsed the views of Ms.Lagarde and stated he did not wish to see Ireland clubbed to death in a way similar to that of Greece

Final word to Wolfgang Schaeuble: - Now you have learned what true fiscal union means -  you foolish greece balls
We will conquer.jpg

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Greek Referendum - State of Play


The IMF declined to comment on the Greek announcement or whether the fund had been notified about it.
The ECB declined to comment on the referendum plan ahead of Saturday’s eurogroup meeting.
So what happens to the €1.5bn repayment to the International Monetary Fund falling due on Tuesday and the fact the plebiscite will not be held for more than a week.

I suppose the question now, is will the unelected bankers allow Greece the leeway to hold the referendum.

Update 1
How Greece’s Bailout Referendum Will Be Held: The Process -
The referendum is proposed by the cabinet and takes the form of a question, the answer to which would be affirmative, negative, or in a form that has been previously established by the Greek Parliament. The referendum can be either on “crucial national matters” or on a pre-existing law. In this case the proposed question does not concern a pre-existing law and is therefore considered a “crucial national matter”.
The Cabinet will submit the proposed referendum question to the Greek Parliament, which will have to ratify it or reject it. The Parliament will convene to decide on the proposed referendum on Saturday, June 27 at 12 p.m. Since the referendum is on a “crucial national matter” a parliamentary majority, thus 151 of the 300 parliament members, is required for its ratification.
Should the parliament ratify the referendum, the President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, will then officially call for the referendum to take place on July 5.
Voter turnout has to reach at least 40% for a “crucial national matters” referendum result to be considered legitimate. -
 See more at:
- See more at:

Update 2 
"It's not a question of yes or no to the euro ... euro or drachma," Defence Minister Panos Kammenos told state ERT TV, referring to the old Greek currency. "There is no process for Greece to leave the euro," he added, referring to eurozone rules which contain no provision on a country being forced out of the currency club.

Update 3
Tsipras added that he will request for the bailout terms to be extended for a few days until the referendum to avoid the looming debt default. - will the banks/EU allow this latitude? 

Update 4

Germany's Gabriel open to Greek referendum with caveats
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said on Saturday that a proposal from the Greek government for a referendum on austerity demands should not be dismissed out of hand, though it was vital that voters had a clear deal on which to vote.

Update 5

Jun 27, 4:35 AM EDT


The Greek Parliament will open a debate at noon local time on whether or not to approve the government's planned referendum 
The Parliament will vote on the referendum at about 7 p.m.
It says the July 5 referendum announced by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras late Friday will be on whether voters approve or reject the bailout proposal submitted by Greece's creditors Thursday.The proposal, according to Parliament's agenda, is made up of two documents: one called "Reforms for the completion of the Current Program and Beyond" and another called "Preliminary debt sustainability analysis."
Update 6

FT's Brussels correspondent Peter Spiegel reports that two senior eurozone officials have confirmed that it is "highly unlikely" that the Eurogroup meeting this afternoon will extend Greece bailout beyond Tuesday.
Update 7
Netherlands says no to giving Greece more time

Dutch state secretary Eric Wiebes said before the start of a eurozone finance ministers' meeting: "I see no reason for delay. The positions are very clear. We have known the deadline for four months."

Wiebes stressed that those involved in the talks must "consider a deadline as a deadline."
Update 8
BERLIN—Germany’s second-ranking government official offered cautious support for a Greek referendum Saturday morning—on condition that the Athens government supported the bailout deal on offer. What the above means is you must do as you are told otherwise you will feel my Jackboot up your A...
Update 9
Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said he is “negatively surprised” by the decision of Athens to call a referendum.
Speaking as he arrived for the Eurozone Finance ministers meeting in Brussels he said that Greece has obviously rejected our proposal and are advising people to vote against it.
It is a sad decision that has closed doors for further talks, he said.
Update 10 Christian LagardeTogether with the other institutions, we've always shown flexibility in order to adjust to the new economic and political situation in Greece.
The purpose of what we’re doing is to restore the stability of the economy in Greece, and restore its financial independence, as in Portugal and Ireland.
And that is what we will continue to do.
That is slightly more positive than Dijsselbloem statement, that the door is closed:
Update 11

Schauble: Greece appear to have ended talks

Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, arrives, and tells a scrum of reporters that there appears to be no basis for further talks with Greece :



Update 12
Ireland’s Michael Noonan says he is “disappointed” that Greece appears to have unilaterally ended negotiations.

He had hoped that finance ministers would have closed the gaps between the two competing proposals at today’s meeting.

I don’t know what happens next week, it’s impossible to speculate. We’re entering totally uncharted waters, Noonan adds.

Update 13
Yanis Varoufakis has told Reuters that he will ask fellow finance ministers for a bailout extension of “a few weeks” to accommodate the referendum.



Update 14 Greece's request has been turned down. 

Press conference underway

And we’re off.
Dijsselbloem says that a statement is being issued shortly, from 18 ministers. Not supported by Greece.
We will immediately have a second meeting after this press conference, to discuss consequences and to prepare for whatever is needed to preserve the stability of the eurozone.

Dijsselbloem: Greek program will expire on Tuesday night

Dijsselbloem says that talks were still continuing between Greece and the creditors last night, when the Greek delegation suddenly had to leave the room.
The other 18 members of the eurogroup regret the fact that Greece has rejected these last proposals from the institutions, he continues.
The proposals on the table had already offered the “maximum” flexibility possible, he continues.
But the proposals weren’t concluded, they weren’t finished, but yet the Greek government has rejected them and put them to the Greek people.
Given that situation, however regrettable, the Greek programme will expire on Tuesday night.
It is not clear how the Greek government will survive without funding, Dijsselbloem adds.

That is it for now 


Saturday, 20 June 2015

Right 2 Water - The Tale of Alan Kelly

Alan Kelly knows
He is out to pick a pocket or two.
As water drips from his nose
He cries  in vain
how do I stop this drain
He thinks, right, for neoliberal might.
But the people say your glass is half full
Your meters don’t bind us
Your bills don't blind us.
For today we are on a victory march
For the right to water and dignity.  
The nostrils of Kelly flail with saline indignity

And fade into infinity.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Enda Kenny to Speak at a Redacted Seminar

It has been announced today that Enda Kenny will speak at redacted seminar to be held at Ballynahinch Castle
The Theme of the conference will be, "what did one redacted document say to the other"? cut it out

At the end of the conference Kenny will issue a press release in  the form of  heavily blacked out sheets of paper

In an interview with RTE when queried about the Taoiseach's attendance at the the seminar Minister Michael Noonan claimed Kenny was playing to his strengths and was to be admired for that.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

T.I.N.A - A Neoliberal Prayer

Tina the bankers witch said “There is no alternative”
Because that's the sacred oracle of Neoliberal dogma
for times present and a yet to be future.
He who dares break the mandarins spell
must be bound to the perpetual chains
of fiscal clarity.
And pared down austerity.
Rise you bonded workers,rise
and give sustenance to the high altars of
unsustainable opulence.
In the name of Kenny, the ECB, the IMF, Wall street
and the Great Fiscal God of Misappropriation.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Today's Imaginary Headline

Enda Kenny seeks divorce and plans to marry Denis O'Brien.
True or False?

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Enda Kenny to Receive Services Award

Enda Kenny has confirmed that he is to receive the prestigious "Lifetime Services Award" from Denis O'Brien for services rendered. Enda stated "It's always nice to be honoured. The award ceremony will take place in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham later this month. The ceremony will be attended by all Government ministers,who each,will receive an O'Brien 'Core Value Services medal" In addition there will be an undisclosed gift presented to each minister in a dark colored envelope. Enda Kenny saw no conflict in this matter with current Government policy and thanked the O'Brien Corporation for their generosity in this affair.
Earlier today Enda Kenny met with Denis O'Brien to discuss the harnessing of diverted rain bearing clouds with a view to making rainwater a viable export product.

'Deal in sight' for bailout plan

Greek prime minister Alex Tsipras and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker meet in Brussels (AP)OPEN GALLERY 1
Greek prime minister Alex Tsipras and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker meet in Brussels (AP)
Greece's prime minister has said he found a constructive approach during a showdown with creditors in Brussels and all sides insisted talks to unlock crucial bailout loans and save the country from financial disaster would continue within days.

Even though Greece is running out of cash and faces more debt repayments as soon as Friday, Alex Tsipras still found a lifeline to keep the momentum for more negotiations going.
"I believe that, in any case, agreement is in sight but we need to conclude the discussions with a realistic point of view," Mr Tsipras said.
French president Francois Hollande said ahead of the Brussels talks that the negotiations were at least heading in the right direction: "We are some days, not to say some hours away from a possible agreement."
Greece has been negotiating for four months with its creditors over what budget reforms it should make to get the 7.2 billion euro (£5.3 billion) in loans that are left over in its bailout fund.
The meetings are part of a string of high-level diplomatic efforts to bring the negotiations to a successful end.
Asked whether he would be able to make the next repayment to the International Monetary Fund, Mr Tsipras said: "Don't worry about it."
After his dinner with EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, Mr Tsipras stressed the positive.
"The Commission showed a constructive intention to reach common ground," he said. "Discussions will continue in coming days."
Read more at ....

The UN is reviewing Ireland’s protection of rights – how will we fare?

IRELAND IS BOUND by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which protects rights like health, housing, work, education, family life, social security, cultural life and adequate living standards.
The UN is conducting a review of Ireland’s compliance with the Covenant, culminating in a formal examination of the government delegation led by Minister of State Sean Sherlock TD in Geneva on 8-9 June. A delegation from Irish civil society will present a comprehensive alternative report, Our Voice, Our Rights, drawn from evidence from more than 80 organisations and co-ordinated by legal rights group FLAC and its Public Interest Law Alliance project, on how these rights are being fulfilled on the ground.
The following pieces present the economic, social and cultural rights situation for three Irish social groups – children, disabled people and Travellers & Roma, all represented in the Civil Society report being presented in Geneva next week.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Court ruling: Media free to report Dáil comments about Denis O’Brien’s debts

THE HIGH COURT has said that an injunction granted in favour of businessman Denis O’Brien was not intended to restrict the reporting of utterances in Dáil Éireann.
Judge Donald Binchy said today that it was never the intention that any order made by the court would restrict the right of Dáil deputies to speak as they see fit or the entitlement to report it fairly.
In effect, it clarifies the media’s right to freely publish statements made in the Dáil by independent TD Catherine Murphy about businessman Denis O’Brien’s finances.
The judge’s ruling came as Denis O’Brien’s legal team raised its intention to make an application to the High Court seeking to clarify the ‘demarcation’ between the respective roles of courts and Oireachtas.
RTÉ and the Irish Times were represented in the High Court to seek clarification on their abililty to report Murphy’s comments in the Dáil.
Posted by Misebogland on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

This is the law in Ireland - A little bit of good stuff - The not so good - the really bad and depressing stuff

This is the law in Ireland - A little bit of good stuff - The not so good - the really bad and

: Amongst the current members of Integrity Ireland who have taken legal action in one form or another, not one of them would recommend the process here in Ireland. Each reports serious inconsistencies between the activities and decisions of individual Judges at various levels, so much so that the prospect of coming before any given Judge is described at best (even by some members’ legal teams) as ‘a lottery’. Court rules are selectively ‘dismissed’ by one Judge for example - and then selectively ‘enforced’ by another, thus causing bewildered litigants additional costs and delays

depressing stuff
Posted by Misebogland on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

FG - The Power of Stupidity

Sinister House

Posted by Misebogland on Monday, 1 June 2015

Monday, 1 June 2015

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ article in Le Monde newspaper: Europe at crossroads

Current events in Ireland suggest he is on the mark Mr Tsipras said the eurozone's dominant players were by degrees...

Posted by Misebogland on Sunday, 31 May 2015

FG - the Reality: - We are all for Democracy without People

FG the RealityWe are all for Democracy without People

Posted by Misebogland on Sunday, 31 May 2015

Big Oil seems to be acting like Big Tobacco

Article by Sheldon Whitehouse published Sunday 31 May 2015 by The Washington Post/Associated Press

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Fossil fuel companies and their allies are funding a massive and sophisticated campaign to mislead the American people about the environmental harm caused by carbon pollution. 

Their activities are often compared to those of Big Tobacco denying the health dangers of smoking. Big Tobacco’s denial scheme was ultimately found by a federal judge to have amounted to a racketeering enterprise.
The Big Tobacco playbook looked something like this: (1) pay scientists to produce studies defending your product; (2) develop an intricate web of PR experts and front groups to spread doubt about the real science; (3) relentlessly attack your opponents.
Thankfully, the government had a playbook, too: the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO. In 1999, the Justice Department filed a civil RICO lawsuit against the major tobacco companies and their associated industry groups, alleging that the companies “engaged in and executed — and continue to engage in and execute — a massive 50-year scheme to defraud the public, including consumers of cigarettes, in violation of RICO.”
Tobacco spent millions of dollars and years of litigation fighting the government. But finally, through the discovery process, government lawyers were able to peel back the layers of deceit and denial and see what the tobacco companies really knew all along about cigarettes.
In 2006, Judge Gladys Kessler of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia decided that the tobacco companies’ fraudulent campaign amounted to a racketeering enterprise. According to the court: “Defendants coordinated significant aspects of their public relations, scientific, legal, and marketing activity in furtherance of a shared objective — to . . . maximize industry profits by preserving and expanding the market for cigarettes through a scheme to deceive the public.”
The parallels between what the tobacco industry did and what the fossil fuel industry is doing now are striking.
In the case of fossil fuels, just as with tobacco, the industry joined together in a common enterprise and coordinated strategy. In 1998, the Clinton administration was building support for international climate action under the Kyoto Protocol. The fossil fuel industry, its trade associations and the conservative policy institutes that often do the industry’s dirty work met at the Washington office of the American Petroleum Institute. A memo from that meeting that was leaked to The New York Times documented their plans for a multimillion-dollar public relations campaign to undermine climate science and to raise “questions among those (e.g. Congress) who chart the future U.S. course on global climate change.”
The shape of the fossil fuel industry’s denial operation has been documented by, among others, Drexel University professor Robert Brulle. In a 2013 paper published in the journal Climatic Change, Brulle described a complex network of organizations and funding that appears designed to obscure the fossil fuel industry’s fingerprints. To quote directly from Brulle’s report, it was “a deliberate and organized effort to misdirect the public discussion and distort the public’s understanding of climate.” That sounds a lot like Kessler’s findings in the tobacco racketeering case.
The coordinated tactics of the climate denial network, Brulle’s report states, “span a wide range of activities, including political lobbying, contributions to political candidates, and a large number of communication and media efforts that aim at undermining climate science.” Compare that again to the findings in the tobacco case.
The tobacco industry was proved to have conducted research that showed the direct opposite of what the industry stated publicly — namely, that tobacco use had serious health effects. Civil discovery would reveal whether and to what extent the fossil fuel industry has crossed this same line. We do know that it has funded research that — to its benefit — directly contradicts the vast majority of peer-reviewed climate science. One scientist who consistently published papers downplaying the role of carbon emissions in climate change, Willie Soon, reportedly received more than half of his funding from oil and electric utility interests: more than $1.2 million.
To be clear: I don’t know whether the fossil fuel industry and its allies engaged in the same kind of racketeering activity as the tobacco industry. We don’t have enough information to make that conclusion. Perhaps it’s all smoke and no fire. But there’s an awful lot of smoke.
– – – –