Sunday, 22 March 2015

Irish Water Protests

A roundup from various overseas news sources

(1)Tens of thousands march through Dublin to protest against water charges
Irish government’s austerity measure has sparked widespread public anger, with Saturday’s street protest the fourth since October

(2) Dublin anti-water charges rally: Over 30,000 people at protest

(3) Tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin on Saturday in the latest mass protest against new water charges, keeping up the pressure on the government, which hopes Ireland's economic growth will quell the discontent.

(4) Irish water struggle: Thousands to march against ‘ideologically-driven’ water charges

(5) Tens of thousands took to the streets of Dublin on Saturday in the latest mass protest against new water charges which have sparked widespread public anger.

(6) Tens of thousands of people on Saturday joined a second national protest against water charges in Ireland, urging the government to abolish the fees.

The organizer, Right2Water Ireland, estimated more than 80,000 took part in the protest, which blocked Dublin‘s busy O‘Connell Street and other roads in the city centre.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Labour Camps for Bankrupt EU States

Wolfgang Schauble, quisling friend Jeroen Dijsselbloem  president of the Eurogroup, tells the Greeks to” Stop Wasting my Time” You must work, work, work, you must pay. In other words go to hell I am not in the slightest bit interested in your proposals. In the not too distant future you will see Greece crushed by a coalition of bankers and  jackbooted Nazis  - All Heil the doctrines of Neoliberalism.
In the meantime Greece has become a land of destitute people, feeding out of an ever dwindling supply of trash cans and yet these Nazi bastards insist on Greece paying off money that is unpayable . What next labour camps for bankrupt EU states. I have no doubt that our own finance Minister Mr .Noonan will be all for forced labour camps.  Which of course is the ultimate in labor cost reductions.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Cracking the Irish Times Paywall

Don’t want to subscribe to the Irish Times . Here is how to get around their paywall for now.
(1)Go to the Irish Times website on your browser. Highlight the headline, right click and press search. Click on the appropriate result and you are in.

(2) Go Incognito
In Chrome, go to customise and control chrome on the top right hand corner of your browser   click ”New Incognito Window” and you’re in.
If you’re using Safari, it’s in Safari->Private Browsing.
For Firefox, it’s called “Private Browsing.”
If you’re using Internet Explorer, it’s called stop using Internet Explorer.

(3) switch to a different browser until you reach your weekly limit of ten stories. Then switch again

(4)access it through facebook/twitter

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Is Ireland Just Another Bankrupt Neo-colonial State Pretending to be Something it isn’t ?

Neocolonialism refers to the system of control where their colonial masters in effect govern the liberated colony even after "independence." The control remains because the now-liberated colony continues its economic relationships with its "mother country." These relationships tend to foster a dependency similar to that, which characterised  the original colonial relationship.
Moreover, in Ireland’s case it goes further in that the settlement of 1922 produced a State “that” mirrored the British model. The structures of the parlement and legal structure to this day remain largely based on British arrangement.
Fast forward the years to 2015

The UK is still our largest trading partner in terms of imports and our second biggest partner in terms of exports
The wider political relationship now goes further that at any other time in the history of the State so we now have the following
The British-Irish Council
British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference.
The British–Irish Parliamentary Assembly
British-Irish Intergovernmental expenses committee ( This one seems like a joke)
British-Irish Intergovernmental (drinking and hooring )committee (supported by the Max Clifford Fund )
Ireland and UK agree historic defence agreement -Irish Times - Jan 13th  2015

There is already considerable co-operation between the defence forces of Ireland and the UK, with Irish troops receiving specialist training with the British Army over the past two decades. Members of the elite Rangers corps in the Irish Army trained with the British in some of the most dangerous combat zones in the world to bring their skills up to the required level. So it appears the Rangers are marching side by side with the British army in combat zones? What does this say about our neutrality? Training in combat zones!!!
Even the possibility of rejoining the commonwealth has been mentioned.
Just look at the green painted pillar-boxes in Ireland where often underneath they bear the monogram of an English monarch, so that the green paint becomes only a layer over the red paint underneath. I believe a relatively suitable symbol for a neo-colonial State. How much of Ireland's independence is cosmetic?
Statements from our politicians like… Since we won our independence or the freedom we now enjoy begin to ring rather hollow
So much for the cutting of the umbilical cord.
It is time our politicians represented the people and stepped back from kow towing to outside  interests
Neo colonism.jpg

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Depositors to lose Money In Austrian Bank

Bail-ins have again hit Europe, a big Austrian bank that unsurprisingly was bailed out recently has instituted bail-ins to save itself. Apparently the Govt. no longer wants to burden taxpayers with bailouts so they have come up with brilliant plan to save the bank at the expense of the creditors (formerly known as DEPOSITORS) and stick the Depositors, pardon me, the CREDITORS with the cost of saving the bank. Taxpayers everywhere are now safe; only ones that need to worry are the foolish CREDITORS, once known as DEPOSITORS, that put their money in the bank with the task and cost of saving the Too Big to Fail banks.

It would be interesting to know how safe your money is in Irish Banks

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Socialist Economic Bulletin: The money exists for investment in Greece

Socialist Economic Bulletin: The money exists for investment in Greece: By Michael Burke The fraught negotiations between the new Greek government and representatives of the EU institutions are likely to be pr...